
Did You Know? Authentic Sustainability in Fashion Goes Beyond 'Eco-Friendly' Labels: It's Certified, Transparent, and Specific.
May 13, 2024


Is a marketing strategy where a company or organization gives a false impression or misleads consumers about the environmental benefits of a product, service, or policy. It involves exaggerating or fabricating the environmental friendliness of their offerings, often to capitalize on the growing consumer interest in sustainable and eco-friendly products.

How to Identify Greenwashing

Research and Verify Claims: Go beyond the brand’s advertising. Look for evidence supporting their environmental claims, such as lifecycle assessments or carbon footprint analyses.


Scrutinize Transparency: Genuine brands often share detailed information about their manufacturing processes, supply chain ethics, and material sourcing. Look for in-depth sustainability reports or third-party assessments.

Look for Specifics: Be skeptical of broad claims like “eco-friendly” without clear, substantiated facts. True sustainable practices are specific and measurable, such as water savings per garment produced or the percentage of recycled materials used.

Check for Third-Party Certifications: In fashion, look for reputable certifications such as the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), Bluesign, or OEKO-TEX® that verify environmental and ethical manufacturing standards.

Educate Yourself About Sustainable Practices: Familiarize yourself with the sustainability challenges and innovations in fashion, art, and design. Knowledge of materials, production impacts, and ethical labor practices will help you discern authentic sustainable efforts from greenwashing.