Protein (Animal)

May 5, 2024


Leather is a durable and flexible material created by tanning animal rawhide and skins, primarily cattle hide. It's used extensively in fashion, upholstery, and other industries for products like shoes, clothing, furniture, and accessories. The production process involves various steps, including curing, soaking, liming, tanning, and finishing, which prepare the leather for use in manufacturing.

Regarding its environmental attributes:

Biodegradable: Leather is biodegradable due to its natural organic composition. However, the rate and extent of its biodegradation can significantly depend on the tanning and finishing processes used. Traditional vegetable-tanned leather can biodegrade more easily than leather treated with synthetic tanning agents, which may contain chemicals that slow down the biodegradation process.

Recyclable: Leather can be recycled, though the process is more complex than recycling purely natural or synthetic materials. Recycled leather is often shredded and reformed into composite materials for use in various products. However, the recycling process can be limited by the chemicals and finishes applied to the leather, as well as by the energy required to break down and reform the material.

Biobased: Leather is biobased, originating from animal hides. Its production, however, involves both natural and synthetic processes, especially during the tanning and finishing stages, where chemicals may be used to enhance durability, texture, and color.

Compostable: In theory, leather is compostable due to its organic nature, but its compostability is significantly affected by the tanning and finishing chemicals used in its production. Vegetable-tanned leather might compost more readily than chrome-tanned leather, but the process is slow, and the presence of heavy metals or other chemicals can hinder it and potentially introduce contaminants into the compost.

Sustainability Summary

The environmental impact of leather production is a subject of concern and debate. On the one hand, leather uses byproducts of the food industry, potentially reducing waste. On the other hand, the tanning and finishing processes often involve toxic chemicals that harm ecosystems and human health. Moreover, the livestock industry, a primary source of leather, is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable and ethical practices, including vegetable tanning and better waste management, are being developed to mitigate some of these environmental issues associated with leather production.

  1. Plant-based Leathers: These include materials derived from fruits, leaves, and other plant sources like pineapple (Piñatex), mushroom (Mylo), and cactus leather, offering biodegradable options that avoid animal harm.
  2. Lab-grown Leather: Cultivated from cells in a controlled environment, this type of leather is animal-friendly and aims to replicate the properties of genuine leather without the ethical concerns.
  3. Upcycled or Deadstock Leather: Utilizing leftover leather scraps, unused leather stock from factories, or repurposing leather items from thrift stores, this approach reduces waste by transforming existing materials into new products. This method not only conserves resources but also minimizes the environmental impact associated with producing new leather and the waste generated from leather goods manufacturing, extending the life cycle of pre-existing leather items.



Silk is a natural protein fiber produced by the larvae of certain insects, most famously the mulberry silkworm (Bombyx mori), during the process of spinning their cocoons. Primarily used in textile manufacturing, silk is prized for its smoothness, luster, strength, and drape. It has a long history of use in high-end and luxury fashion due to its luxurious feel and appearance.

Regarding its environmental attributes:

Biodegradable: Silk is biodegradable. As a natural protein fiber, it can break down naturally when exposed to the environment, decomposing into harmless substances. This process can vary in time, depending on conditions such as moisture and microbial activity.

Recyclable: Silk can be recycled, although the process is not as common or straightforward as recycling some other materials. Recycled silk can come from pre- or post-consumer silk products and can be reused in various ways, such as in the production of new textiles or craft materials. However, the quality of silk may degrade with recycling, and the presence of dyes and treatments can affect its recyclability.

Biobased: Silk is entirely biobased, derived from the natural process of silk production by silkworms. The cultivation of silkworms and the production of silk are energy-intensive and require significant resources, including the leaves of mulberry trees, which silkworms feed on exclusively.

Compostable: Silk is compostable due to its natural protein composition. Under the right composting conditions, silk fabric can break down, contributing to soil health. However, as with biodegradability, the rate of composting can be affected by factors such as dye and finish used on the silk fabric.

Sustainability Summary

The environmental impact of silk production includes considerations of resource use (particularly the cultivation of mulberry trees for silkworms), the energy required for production, and the ethical concerns surrounding the traditional silk production process, which typically involves killing the silkworms by boiling them alive inside their cocoons.


There are more humane alternatives, such as peace silkor “Ahimsa silk,” where the silk is harvested after the moth has emerged from the cocoon, although these methods are less common and can be more costly. The use of natural dyes and sustainable farming practices can also enhance the eco-friendliness of silk.



Wool is a natural fiber obtained from the fleece of sheep and other animals, including goats (cashmere and mohair), rabbits (angora), and camels. Wool fibers are known for their crimp, which adds bulk and creates air pockets that enhance its insulating properties, making wool garments warm and comfortable. Wool is used in a wide variety of textiles, from clothing to carpets, and is appreciated for its durability, fire resistance, and ability to absorb moisture without feeling wet.

Regarding its environmental attributes:

Biodegradable: Wool is biodegradable. As a natural protein fiber, it breaks down into amino acids when composted or left in a natural environment, returning nutrients to the soil without leaving harmful residues. The rate of biodegradation can depend on environmental conditions, but generally, wool decomposes faster than synthetic fibers.

Recyclable: Wool is recyclable. It can be respun into new yarns or transformed into non-woven textiles like insulation and geotextiles. The quality of wool can decrease with recycling due to the shortening of fibers, but it can still be effectively used for lower-grade applications. The process of recycling wool often involves shredding or pulling apart old woolen items to reclaim the fibers.

Biobased: Wool is entirely biobased, sourced from animals. It is a renewable resource, as sheep and other wool-bearing animals can be shorn annually without harm. The environmental impact of wool production varies and includes considerations related to animal husbandry, land use, and the processing of wool (cleaning, dyeing, and finishing).

Compostable: Wool is compostable. Because it is a natural fiber, wool can decompose in a composting environment, contributing to the nutrient content of compost. The time it takes for wool to compost can vary depending on factors such as the composition of the compost pile and environmental conditions.

Sustainability Summary

The sustainability of wool is influenced by practices in the wool industry, including sheep farming and wool processing. Ethical and environmental concerns include the treatment of animals, land degradation from overgrazing, and the use of chemicals in processing wool. Efforts to address these concerns include organic wool production, which adheres to standards for animal welfare and environmental protection, and the development of more sustainable and less polluting processing methods.

Guide for selecting the most sustainable wool
  1. Look for Organic Certification: Wool that is certified organic ensures that the sheep have been raised without synthetic hormones or genetically modified organisms and that the land they graze on is free from chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
  2. Check for Animal Welfare Standards: Certifications like Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) or ZQ Merino Standard guarantee that the wool comes from farms that practice humane treatment of animals, including proper grazing management and ethical shearing practices.
  3. Choose Locally Sourced Wool: Purchasing wool from local farms reduces transportation emissions, supports local economies, and often assures more direct insight into the farming practices.
  4. Seek Out Low-Impact Processing: Wool that is processed using less water, energy, and fewer chemicals is more sustainable. Look for companies that emphasize eco-friendly dyeing processes and minimal processing.
  5. Consider Recycled Wool: Wool that has been recycled from pre-existing wool garments or industrial waste offers a sustainable alternative, reducing the need for new raw materials and minimizing waste.
  6. Explore Biodynamic Wool: This goes beyond organic farming by integrating holistic ecological and ethical practices into the entire farming process.
  7. Research the Brand or Supplier: Commitment to sustainability varies widely among brands. Look for transparency in supply chains and clear information about their sustainability practices and initiatives.



Hair or fur textiles are made from the coats of animals, including but not limited to mink, rabbits, foxes, beavers, and other fur-bearing creatures. These textiles are often used in high-fashion garments, accessories (like hats and gloves), and home decor (such as rugs and throws). The use of hair and fur in textiles is a subject of ethical debate due to animal welfare concerns, but it remains valued in certain markets for its warmth, luxury, and aesthetic qualities.

Regarding their environmental attributes:

Biodegradable: Hair and fur are biodegradable. As natural protein fibers, they can decompose naturally when exposed to the environment, breaking down into simpler organic materials over time. The rate of biodegradation for hair and fur can vary depending on the environmental conditions and the treatments applied to the fur (such as tanning and dyeing).

Recyclable: Recycling hair and fur is possible, and there are niche markets and practices for repurposing vintage fur items into new products. However, recycling processes specific to fur are less common than for other materials and can be limited by the complexity of separating fur from other materials (like fabric linings) and by the condition of the fur.

Biobased: Hair and fur are entirely biobased, coming directly from animals. The environmental impact of producing hair and fur textiles includes considerations related to animal husbandry, the use of land, and the inputs required for maintaining the animals from which the hair and fur are harvested.

Compostable: Like wool, hair and fur are compostable. They can break down in a composting environment, although the process may be slower than for plant-based materials due to the keratin in hair and fur, which is more resistant to decomposition. The presence of chemicals from tanning and dyeing processes can affect the compostability and the speed at which hair and fur break down.

Sustainability Summary

The sustainability of using hair and fur in textiles is complex and contentious. Ethical considerations about animal welfare play a significant role in the debate over their use. Additionally, the environmental impact of fur production can be high, including issues related to animal farming practices, the use of chemicals in processing, and the challenge of waste management. Alternatives to natural fur, such as synthetic faux fur, offer cruelty-free options but raise other environmental concerns, including plastic pollution and non-biodegradability.

While faux fur might seem like a more ethical choice compared to animal fur, it poses its own set of environmental challenges? Faux fur is typically made from synthetic polymeric fibers, such as acrylic, modacrylic, and polyester, which are derived from fossil fuels. These materials can take hundreds of years to degrade and release microplastics into our oceans and waterways with every wash.

  1. Upcycled Fur: This involves repurposing existing fur products, such as those sourced from second-hand stores, estate sales, or vintage collections. Upcycling extends the life of fur items, preventing them from ending up in landfills and reducing the demand for new fur production.
  2. Second-Hand Fur: Purchasing fur products from thrift stores or second-hand online marketplaces can be a more ethical and sustainable option if one chooses to use fur, as it avoids supporting current fur farming practices and makes use of what is already available.
  3. Plant-Based Fur: Innovations in sustainable textiles have led to the development of fur alternatives made from plant-based materials. These can include fibers derived from hemp, coconut husks, or other organic materials that mimic the properties of fur.
  4. Lab-Grown Fur: An emerging technology, lab-grown fur involves cultivating fur fibers from animal cells in a controlled environment. This method could potentially offer real fur without the need to raise or harm animals, though it is still in early development stages.
  5. Recycled Faux Fur: To mitigate the environmental concerns associated with new synthetic materials, some manufacturers are producing faux fur from recycled plastics, helping to reduce waste and resource use.



Feathers, used in textiles, are derived from the plumage of birds like ducks, geese, and other bird species. They are primarily used for insulation and padding in products such as jackets, sleeping bags, and bedding, including pillows and duvets. Feathers offer excellent thermal properties and are valued for their lightness and ability to trap heat, making them popular for both fashion and outdoor gear.

Regarding their environmental attributes:

Biodegradable: Feathers are biodegradable. As natural protein materials, they can decompose over time when exposed to environmental conditions, breaking down into simpler organic substances. This natural breakdown process contributes to reducing waste in landfills, though the rate of biodegradation can vary depending on factors such as moisture and microbial activity.

Recyclable: Recycling of feathers is possible, and there is a market for down and feather recycling where these materials are cleaned, sanitized, and reused in new products. The recycling process helps extend the lifecycle of feather products, minimizing waste and reducing the demand for new raw materials. However, the extent of recycling is limited by the quality and condition of the feathers and the complexity of collecting and processing them.

Biobased: Feathers are entirely biobased, originating from birds. The sourcing of feathers can vary, with some being a byproduct of the poultry industry, thereby utilizing materials that might otherwise go to waste. Ethical considerations come into play regarding how the feathers are collected, with concerns about animal welfare influencing consumer choices.

Compostable: Feathers are compostable, given their natural origin. They can be broken down in industrial or home composting systems, although the process may take longer compared to plant-based materials due to the durable nature of keratin, the protein that feathers are made of. Proper composting conditions, including the right balance of green and brown materials, moisture, and temperature, are necessary to facilitate decomposition.

Sustainability Summary

The sustainability of using feathers in textiles is influenced by several factors, including the methods of collection, the treatment of birds, and the processes used to clean and prepare feathers for use in products. Ethical sourcing and the humane treatment of birds are significant considerations for many consumers. Additionally, while feathers offer a natural, biodegradable alternative to synthetic fill materials, the environmental impact of feather products also includes considerations related to the cleaning, treatment, and transportation of these materials.

  1. Wool and Wool Wadding: Natural wool can be used as an effective insulator and is renewable and biodegradable. Wool wadding, specifically, can be used in quilts and jackets as a sustainable alternative to feather fillings.
  2. Bamboo and Kapok Fiber: Both bamboo and kapok fibers are natural plant-based alternatives that offer insulation properties. Bamboo is particularly soft and breathable, whereas kapok is buoyant and water-resistant, making it ideal for use in life jackets and bedding.
  3. Recycled Materials: Utilizing recycled PET (polyethylene terephthalate) from plastic bottles can create insulation materials that serve as alternatives to down feathers. This approach also helps reduce plastic waste.